About Us
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

King of Kings Childcare and Preschool provides full day programs to support and nurture children in their physical, social emotional, academic, and spiritual growth.
Our intentional, purposefully designed environment is the foundation which cultivates the natural development of each child and teaches respect, kindness, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery. Through the use of high-quality curriculum and best research based instructional strategies, our infant through preschool programs will prepare children for the next step in their educational journey.
Guidance strategies
The CEC seeks to provide a fun, safe, and calming environment for children. The staff implements strategies included in the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports or PBIS. PBIS is a research and evidence- based curriculum for teaching social and emotional skills. It is our policy to use various positive problem solving techniques to promote self-control in children. We believe consistency is the most important factor in providing effective outcomes.
The CEC has three center-wide expectations with three rules for each expectation. These expectations and rules are posted in all classrooms and throughout the center.
We Are Safe: We use safe hands and feet. We stay together. We use walking feet.
We Show Respect: We use quiet voices inside. We use listening ears. We use kind words.
We Are Responsible: We clean up. We take care of our toys. We help each other.